Eating and drinking suggestions in Olas Altas Beach area in Mazatlan, Mexico.



Choosing a place to dine out at can make everyday a difficult. We want to make it easier to figure out what to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner or just grabbing a drink by showing all the options that are available in our Olas Altas neighborhood. 



Belisario Dominguez 1403 

Venustiano Carranza 18

Plaza Machado

Constitución 79

Niños Héroes 1511

General Ángel Flores 101

Olas Altas Sur 11-126

AV. Olas Altas 1224

Heriberto Frias 1301

Mariano Escobedo 409


Sixto Osuna 22

Olas Altas 66

la mona pizzeria

Calle Ninos Heroes Centro 1508

Olas Altas 16

Venustiano Carranza #4

Belisario Dominguez 1410

Sixto Osuna 26

Miguel Alemán & Carnaval

Belisario Dominguez 1503

Heriberto Frías 1505



Olas Altas frente al escudo


Calle Niños Heroes 1500

Heriberto Frias 1405

Constitucion 17


puerto viejo

Ave Olas Altas 25

Calle Niños Heroes 1500